Contact Don Hale at our news desk if you have any results, reports, or personal news items to share about yourself, a friend, or team mate etc. If you have images and or video even better. We also welcome your own reports, results, features, news, from all WMAL members from all aspects of athletics.
News desk -
URGENT NOTICE: The Aberdare track & field championships set for 29th July have now been cancelled...
Reports from the Wilmslow 10k, Snowdonia races, and other events.
International track star visits Conwy parkrun for 75th NHS anniversary..
Welsh Master John Hatton celebrated his 250th credit as a volunteer and athlete at Conwy parkrun...
Podium places for GOG Triathlon members at Llanrwst Sprint Challenge...
Fast times and a good turn-out despite being cool and breezy at Conwy parkrun
Good turn-out and some great results at the challenging Felinheli 10k midweek race...
REVISED timetable for England Masters Athletics inter-area challenge at Nuneaton on 6th August...
Connor Rogers sets new PB on his winning debut for North Wales Regional team debut at the Stone 10k.
More inspirational stories wanted about veteran runners - next - Peter Robinson (Hornsea Harriers)..
Popular Fairy Freckled Cow trail race cancelled at short notice...
Fast times by visiting club athletes at Conwy parkrun as Bryn missed course record by 6 seconds...
New website for Welsh Masters Athletics and promotional video...
Welsh Athletics Endurance Open competition at Wrexham Track.