British Masters Cross Country championships
16 MAR 2024.
BMAF Cross Country Championships -Rhug Estate 16 March, 2024.
Bernie Jones, the secretary of the NW Cross-country league, is urging local runners to enter the British Masters championships at Rhug, near Corwen.
The BMAF Cross Country Championships are being held at Rhug on 16 March and is a great opportunity for all North Wales athletes over 35 years old to try and win a medal in their age group at these British Championships which are being held on our door.
You DO NOT have to be a Masters member; anyone over 35 is eligible to enter. Let’s see some North Walians get amongst the medals.
Entry via the following link:
Contact Details:
bmaf@opentrack.runPlease contact the organiser, not OpenTrack, for all queries.
Race 1 – 12.00, approximately 6k - all ladies and M65+Race 2 – 13.00, approximately 8k - M35 to M60
Entry fees:- BMAF area club members - £12Non-BMAF area club members - £15
Closing date for entries is Saturday March 9th 2024.
All UKA-registered athletes 35 or over are welcome. Individual medals will be awarded to the first three finishers in each five-year age category from 35 to 100+.
Team medals will also be awarded to the first three men's and women's teams in each ten age group (35-44, 45-54, 55-64, etc.). Team compostion is first clam members of UKA-registered clubs. Each team consists of 3 men or three women, but only one one team per club in each age group can win a medal.
Team declaration not necessary initially since the system will configured to assign the first three runners per club in each team age group or the team age group above to form the club team for that age group. Runners would still be competing in their individual age group, even if they were competing in a younger age group for their club.
However because men 65 or older run in shorter race that the younger men, they will not be able to compete in a younger team age group, unless they are also prepared to run the longer distance and compete for individual medals in the lower age group as well.
Once entries close we will display the resulting list of teams entered and invite clubs to specify if they wish more down-ageing to be done e.g. if the club has three male runners, aged 40, 50 and 60, the club would need to confirm to us that they would like them to be counted as an M35 team, or if the club has two women aged 40 and four women aged 50, the club would need confirm to us which, if any, of the older runners they would wish to down-age to create a W35 team, leaving the other three women to make up an W45 team.
The event will incorporate the England Masters Athletics Association Inter-Area Cross Country Challenge. The inter-area challenge will consist of a separate men’s and women’s team from each BMAF area club. Each team will consist of a minimum of 6 runners. If there are more than 6 men/women of an area club competing, the first 6 men/women with the best age-graded results will count for the men's/women's team respectively.
This event is scored based on the average age-grading achieved by the six men and six women in each club team. Each member of the winning team will be awarded a certificate and the winning club will be given a trophy to hold for the following year.
Queries regarding entries should be addressed to OpenTrack via the email address given above but queries about the race itself should be sent to:
Harry Matthews, BMAF Cross Country Secretary Email: hmatthews@bmaf.org.uk