Unique WMAL opportunity and special Webinar offer about Men’s Health...with Elite82 and experts.
Welsh Masters Athletics are promoting a unique Men’s Health Webinar opportunity provided by Elite82, who are a local company based in South Wales, and are a High Performance and Movement specialist.
They are running an informative Webinar on Tuesday 5th December between 7pm-8.30pm, and WMAL have arranged a special offer for interested persons, including a 10% discount deal!

In addition, there is an Early Bird offer with the sale ending on 24th November, of just £20, less the special discount for registrations.
*Check out the details of this special seminar on the link below:

Men's Health: The facts around testosterone:
About the event:
All questions answered by a qualified physician.
Male Hormone Cycle - Testosterone – How it works.
Symptoms of low test.
Measuring testosterone levels.
Different analysis – what is needed.
Normative ranges.
Testosterone replacement, boosters, and treatment options.
Side effects of each treatment.
Modality of best absorption.
Causes of low testosterone.
Fertility - the truth and myths busted.
Men’s mental health.
Is age a factor?
What happens if young people diagnosed with hypogonadism?
Can levels fluctuate?
How often recommend screening and re-testing?
Question and Answers
Testing Centre
*The offer is 10% for Welsh Masters Members:
Use the WMAL discount code - Menshealth10 at the checkout:
*Check out the details of this special seminar on the link below: